Comprehensive Understanding & Management of Dental Implant Complications:

Peri-implantitits, Prosthetic, & Esthetic Challenges

May 18-19, 2024

Course Brochure

Registration Closed

Course Faculty:

Homa H. Zadeh, DDS, PhD

Hugo DeBruyn

Yusuke Hamada

Course Description

The growing popularity of dental implant therapy has ushered in an era marked by an increasing incidence of biological, technical, and esthetic complications. Dental professionals now face a rising number of patients seeking assistance for implant-related issues that demand both surgical and prosthetic interventions.
Peri-implantitis, an inflammatory condition affecting peri-implant tissues, is the leading cause of implant loss. By delving into the root causes, effective preven- tion strategies, and cutting-edge treatment options for peri-implantitis, this course equips participants with the knowledge and expertise essential for ensuring the enduring success of dental implant treatments.

Educational Objectives

  1. Biological Basis of Peri-implantitis
  2. Risk Factors and Implement Prevention Strategies
  3. Case selection for treatment versus explantation
  4.  The Role of Soft Tissues in Peri-implantitis
  5. Diagnosis of Peri-implan-titis
  6. Surgical Management of Peri-implantitis
    1. Resective pocket reduction
    2. Regenerative therapy for correction of osseous
  7. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: prosthetic consid- erations

Hands-On Workshop Simulated Exercises

The simulated exercises are intended to provide practical experience with important strategies in the management of peri-implantitis:

  • Defect selection for resective vs regenerative approaches
  • Implant surface decontamination

    Flap designs and VISTA tunneling for surgical access for bone and soft tissue regeneration

    Preparation of biologically based composite bone graft material

    Fibrin Immobilization Vestibular Extension (FIVE) for the treatment of peri-implantitis

Upon Concluding This Course:

Dental professionals will be better equipped to navigate the entire spectrum of dental implant complications, with a strong focus on peri-implantitis. They will depart with a comprehensive toolkit, invaluable insights, and a heightened level of expertise necessary to provide the highest standard of care to their patients and ensure the long-term success of dental implant treatments.


  • $1995 Live In-Person: Lecture + Workshop
  • $995 Remote Learning: Lectures Only

CE Units

  • 16 hours of live lecture + hands-on workshop


Course Brochure