Enhancing Predictability in Clear Aligner Treatment (CAT)

Course Brochure Register Course Faculty: Chris Chang Course Description In recent years, Clear Aligner Treatment (CAT) has witnessed remarkable growth in both patient ac- ceptance and clinical effectiveness. This expanding landscape has created unprecedented opportunities to address increasingly complex orthodontic cases with CAT. However, in cases involving less predictable tooth movement, the need for supplementary auxiliaries and pre-aligner treatment procedures... read more »

Advanced 3D GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) – November 9-10, 2024

Course Brochure Register Course Faculty: Course Description Patients with atrophic alveolar bone have a variety of different presentations, including vertical versus horizontal atrophy, anatomic features such as flat vs sloped defect walls or con- cavities, various bone density (eg cortical vs cancellous bone). Each of these features can affect the efficacy of bone augmenta- tion, either in a favorable or... read more »

Check back soon for our blog!

As with any technique or treatment, the courses at VISTA Institute for Therapeutic Innovations continue to evolve and new developments and new issues involving implantology and soft tissue treatments develop. On this page, our instructors, Dr. Homayoun H. Zadeh, Dr. Steven Wallace and Dr. Lyndon Cooper, have provided a blog to keep you up-to-date not only on the latest news... read more »